
Mr. President: Till Zend do us part

Ahmed al-Zend has become a minister while Zakaria Abdel Aziz is now on trial. Such is justice and the judiciary in a country of two revolutions.
Goodbye wisdom, and let people despair of waiting for what will not come. Justice is known from the title, and the ruler is known from his minister.
I know that power has certain balances. I know that there are pressures on the decision-maker, and I know that the old is still stronger than the new because the new cannot take off without a proper environment.
That is why I do not wait to achieve targets as much as I ask for the means and the tools that will take us there. And I will not criticize anyone because we are still at the beginning of the race.
I just ask for honesty and seriousness, and I hold good intentions. I will wait for the fruits of what we plant with our hands, but I know that we will not reap grapes from thorns.
Mr. President, 
Zend is a thorn
Injustice is a thorn
Corruption is a thorn
Violence is a thorn
Ignorance is a thorn
Neglect is a thorn
Arrogance is a thorn
The wolves of the media are thorns
The ewes of the media are thorns
Bureaucracy is a thorn
Disintegrating the social fabric is a thorn
Weak political parties are thorns
Ignoring the feelings of the people is a thorn
An affront to the principles of the revolution is a thorn
Sisi promised us grapes, and so we waited for him to take out the thorns of the old regime and cultivate the fruits of the revolution instead. Yet the thones continued to spread, and Sisi began to rescind his promises. He accepted the resignation of the spokesman for the “Association for Bequeathing Jobs in the Judiciary” and appointed in his place the very godfather of bequeathals himself.
It is mediocre that Sisi’s state has a place for the likes of Mohamed Fouda, Mortada Mansour, Ahmed Moussa, Sama al-Masry, Riham Saeed and Zend at a time when we want to feel a change for the better and to come closer to the state of the revolution.
Mr. President: Till Zend do us part
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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