
Administrative Prosecution: Senior officials covering up corruption behind decline in reporting

The First Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Prosecution Authority, Hisham Mehanna said that more than 65 percent of Administrative Prosecution cases are based on complaints filed by individuals.
A marked decline in reporting corruption cases has been noticed, which due to the fact that certain senior officials are committed to covering them up, he said.
Administrative Prosecution Authority is investigating all kinds of administrative and financial corruption cases, he said adding that statistical analysis showed an increase in irregularities in certain places and at specific times. 
“It is particularly serious when irregularities come from senior officials, because this means squandering of billions from public funds,” he said.
The analsis also proved an increase in crimes related to the damaging of public property, embezzlement at post offices, bribery, agricultural land encroachment and unlicenced construction works. 
Other irregularities included abuse of power, especially in the appointment and promotion of civil servants, favoritism in granting financial incentives, as well as ignoring judicial rulings. 
“This is because morals have deteriorated within certain segments of society,” he said.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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