
Autopsy report: No trace of violence found on Alex arrestee’s body

Alexandria's district attorney on Thursday received the autopsy report on the body of a local man who died while being arrested by police earlier this week.

The report ruled out the possibility that the deceased had been beaten or assaulted in any way, noting that no traces of violence had been found on the body.

Prosecutors, meanwhile, continued to question the policeman who had carried out the arrest and the owner of the shop in which the incident occurred.

The policeman alleges that, while attempting to arrest the deceased–who had been convicted eight times in absentia for writing bad checks–the latter abruptly fell to the floor. By the time he was brought to hospital, he had already been pronounced dead.

Two policemen are currently being tried for the murder of 28-year-old Khaled Saeed, who was allegedly beaten to death in the coastal city of Alexandria in early June. The case received widespread attention in the local and international media and triggered outrage among human rights groups both in Egypt and abroad.

Translated from the Arabic Edition.

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