
Airport authorities seize antique manuscripts carried by Saudi passenger

Airport authorities seize antique manuscripts carried by Saudi passenger

Cairo Airport authorities on Wednesday said they had seized 29 antique manuscripts carried by Saudi passenger departing for Jeddah. The…
Maher al-Beheiry to lead Constitutional Court in troubled political scene

Maher al-Beheiry to lead Constitutional Court in troubled political scene

The general assembly of Egypt’s influential Supreme Constitutional Court has agreed to appoint judge Maher al-Beheiry as its chairman, succeeding…
Military rulers say Parliament should decide on Emergency Law

Military rulers say Parliament should decide on Emergency Law

Egypt’s military rulers on Wednesday threw the ball into the Muslim Brotherhood’s court after saying that they have no stance…
Foreign Ministry prepares for run-off

Foreign Ministry prepares for run-off

The Foreign Ministry has completed preparations for Egyptians living abroad to cast their votes in the presidential election run-off by…
Alliance of Egypt’s Revolutionaries calls for demos against Shafiq

Alliance of Egypt’s Revolutionaries calls for demos against Shafiq

The Alliance of Egypt’s Revolutionaries has called for nationwide demonstrations on Friday to declare the political isolation of presidential candidate…
Morsy demands Okasha be banned from TV

Morsy demands Okasha be banned from TV

Mohamed Morsy, the Muslim Brotherhood’s presidential candidate, has filed a lawsuit against TV presenter and staunch supporter of the ruling…
Pro-Shater Facebook page attacks Sabbahi

Pro-Shater Facebook page attacks Sabbahi

A Facebook page that supports Muslim Brotherhood leader Khairat al-Shater has launched a sharp attack on Hamdeen Sabbahi, who came…
Al-Azhar denies having contacted Morsy or Shafiq

Al-Azhar denies having contacted Morsy or Shafiq

Al-Azhar has denied a report published by a private newspaper on Wednesday that it has requested presidential candidates Mohamed Morsy…
Wafd party names Moussa its Honorary President

Wafd party names Moussa its Honorary President

Chairman of the Wafd Party Al-Sayed al-Badawy decided on Wednesday to grant former presidential hopeful Amr Moussa the title of…
Popular preacher announces intention to launch political party

Popular preacher announces intention to launch political party

  Popular Muslim preacher Amr Khaled on Wednesday announced that he plans to form a political party called Egypt’s Future.…
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