
Judges furious over State Council appointments violations

Judges furious over State Council appointments violations

A number of Egyptian judges on Wednesday criticized a judicial authority for appointing the sons of judges and police officers…
Mubarak used excessive force during uprising, says Amnesty International

Mubarak used excessive force during uprising, says Amnesty International

Former President Hosni Mubarak’s security services used excessive force in an attempt to quell the 18-day uprising that led to…
Labor protests continue nationwide

Labor protests continue nationwide

Six labor protests, demanding better wages and working conditions, were staged in Cairo and other governorates on Wednesday. In Giza,…
Coptic Christians end Maspero sit-in

Coptic Christians end Maspero sit-in

Coptic Christians staging a sit-in before the Egyptian Radio and Television Union building on the Maspero Corniche agreed to end…
Heikal summoned for questioning on Mubarak’s wealth

Heikal summoned for questioning on Mubarak’s wealth

An Egyptian judicial authority on Wednesday summoned renowned journalist Mohamed Hassanein Heikal for questioning on the wealth of ousted President…
Bin Talal’s company accuses Egypt of delaying Toshka deal

Bin Talal’s company accuses Egypt of delaying Toshka deal

The Kingdom Agricultural Development Company, which is owned by Saudi Prince al-Walid bin Talal, has accused the Egyptian government of…
MP requests criminal charges against Suzanne Mubarak

MP requests criminal charges against Suzanne Mubarak

Former MP Mostafa Bakry sent a notification to Attorney General Abdel Meguid Mahmoud requesting a criminal investigation into charges leveled…
AUC to publish book written by ex-first lady

AUC to publish book written by ex-first lady

The American University in Cairo (AUC) is preparing to release a book penned by former First Lady Suzanne Mubarak entitled…
Antiquities ministry employees threaten strike action

Antiquities ministry employees threaten strike action

Dozens of employees of the Ministry of Antiquities protested Wednesday before the cabinet, calling for permanent employment contracts. They threatened…
Brotherhood expects political party to be active by June

Brotherhood expects political party to be active by June

A Muslim Brotherhood leader on Wednesday announced that he expects the group's Freedom and Justice Party to officially begin activities…
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