Health & FitnessLife & Style

Jumpstart fitness during Eid

It’s been a month of extreme eating patterns, a daily intake of sugary sweets and late nights so it’s likely you’ve abandoned your work out routine and have added on a couple of kg’s. It may be Eid – a time to travel and party – but you can take advantage of the time off and start getting back in shape.

While Eid is a time for carefree celebration, it’s also your 10-minute breather before work kicks back in and you have to make up for what was probably a month of procrastination. If you’re going to get back on track health and weight-wise, it’s better to jumpstart your initiatives while you’re traveling.

So whether it’s a plane ride and hotel stay in Paris or a long drive to Sharm for some serious all nighters, you can fit a little fitness into your travel plans and up the chances of losing Ramadan weight some time before next Ramadan comes around!

On the Road/Plane

If’ you’re traveling by plane, take advantage of your time in the air. Unless you’re on tech savvy enough to have booked a seat in advance (or in first class), it’s likely your legroom is minimal and your cramped situation begs any escape. So escape! Get up and walk around, drink water before, after, and during the plane ride and keep your feet moving or up. “Dehydration not only affects your mood and appearance after a plane ride, it also increases the effects of jet lag,” explains air host Ahmed Hafez of Emirates Airways. So if you want to enjoy your Eid vacation abroad, start out well hydrated for extra energy!

Road trips are often only made better by high calorie snacks and sodas littered with on the road cigarettes and loud music. If it is impossible to resist such temptations on your Eid vacation, make sure you’re not piling on a full meal before and after the trip as well. “Being aware of what you’re eating – calorie and fat intake – will inadvertently lead you to eat less,” claims nutritionist and dietitian Dr. Aya Soliman. So be brave and turn the tube of Pringles around for a peek at the nutrition information panel at the back. A can of Pepsi is around 230 calories.

At the Hotel

Once you reach your hotel and are signing the little cards for your room or waiting for photocopies of your passport, ask the front desk representative if there are gym facilities or nice walking areas in the vicinity. Just knowing your options are out there will boost the chances of you actually using them. Think of those moments when everyone is napping and you’re stuck with TV channels in languages you’ve never even heard of – wouldn’t a walk in beautiful nature or on the beautiful treadmill be better use of your time? According to calculations on, a one-hour walk into town and back can burn anywhere from 230 to 320 calories – make that uphill and you’re up to 420

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