
Military production min. inspects Helwan Machinery, Equipment Company

Minister of State for Military Production Mohamed Salah al-Dien Mostafa on Tuesday asserted the importance of following up on progress achieved of the production process in various companies and units affiliated to the Military Production Ministry. 

The minister made the remarks during an inspection tour of Helwan Machinery and Equipment Company (999 Military Factory) to follow up on the progress of the production process. 

CEO of Helwan Machinery and Equipment Company Ezzat Abdel Aziz briefed the minister on the implementation rate of projects carried out by the company and meeting their predetermined schedule.

The 999 Military Factory provides industrial support to the Light Rail Transit (LRT) project, according to the CEO of the company.

The minister was keen on checking on the commitment of workers to applying occupational safety and health standards. He listened to their demands and proposals regarding the production process.

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