Russian tourists will soon be able to pay for tickets to the Giza pyramids in Russian rubles, announced the head of the Parliament’s Tourism Committee, Nora Ali.
“This issue is already under study and measures will be taken to implement it in the near future,” Ali added.
At the moment, entry to the Giza pyramids area for Egyptians costs LE60 (US$2.5), and for foreigners LE240 (about $10). It can be paid in cash or by credit card. An additional amount should be paid to enter each pyramid from the inside.
A ticket that allows entry to the pyramid of Khufu is for LE600 ($25).
Egypt will link the Egyptian “Meeza” payment network with the Russian “Mir” payment system at the end of 2022, the head of the Plan and Budget Committee in the Egyptian Parliament Fakhry al-Feky announced.
Feky, a former member of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Egypt, said that this step comes as part of a plan by the Central Bank and the government, in order to enhance commercial transactions, reduce the deficit and boost exports.
He added that linking the “Meeza” with the Russian “Mir” system helps support the payment of the wheat bill to Moscow.
“Mir” is a Russian ruble payment system, launched in 2015 after a number of Russian banks encountered problems with “Visa” and “MasterCard” companies, due to Western sanctions imposed against Moscow. “Meeza”, is an Egyptian payment system bearing the logo of the local network for payments through the Egyptian Banks Company 123.