Six teenage girls admitted their part in the brutal attack on 18 year-old Egyptian student Mariam Mostafa in Nottingham last year, which left her in a coma for almost a month until her death.
Mostafa, an engineering student had moved about six years ago from Italy to UK and was severely beaten and injured in the attack. Mostafa’s father described how they brutally punched his daughter several times during the attack, the Independent reported.
The incident took place near a bus stop in Parliament Street, Nottingham at 8 pm.
Three of the offenders, 19-year-old Mariah Fraser, 18 year-old Britania Hunter, and a 16-year-old girl were called upon a hearing court where they declared their involvement in Mostafa’s murder before the judge on April 16.
The other three, two of whom aged 17 while the third aged 18 admitted to charges of affray last year, according to the Independent.
With full confessions from all suspects, the case can now be reported after District Judge Timothy Spruce lifted restrictions.
The senseless attack sparked public outrage especially in Egypt, which prompted the Egyptian Embassy in the UK to demand that whoever is involved in the racist attack be penalized.
Mostafa’s family was not satisfied with the charges, however. The victim’s father believed that the charges were weak despite the presence of enough strong evidence demonstrating that the attackers deserve a harsher punishment.
“It’s unfair and unjust to charge those whom killed or, at least by their actions, led to Mariam’s death with such minor offenses,” he told the Independent.
The family was also angered by the fact that they had not been informed by British authorities about the court hearing, where three of the suspects confessed to the crime.
Mostafa’s father regarded this as yet another “failure’ in his daughter’s case and added that the family’s legal representative had submitted an official complaint to authorities.
“As a family we are entitled to know everything regarding our daughter’s case beforehand and not after … This very simple right was taken from us,” the father told The Independent.
Mostafa said that he and the family were struggling to deal with their daughter’s death.
The CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) released an official statement apologizing for not informing the victim’s father about the hearing court.
However, the CPS spokesperson stressed that they were careful to keep the family updated with any progress adding that they have already met with the father before to clarify the affray charges for him and provide him with a full explanation about it.
“The CPS can only charge if the evidential stage of our tests for prosecution are met. Our thoughts remain with her family,” the spokesman mentioned.
CPS also stated that they noted the family right after they identified unexpected two “guilty pleas” out of three.
The six defendants’ sentence has not yet been scheduled.