2012 year ender

The poison in Egypt’s political life

The poison in Egypt’s political life

As year two of the revolution comes to a close, one can scarcely escape the conclusion in media circles that…
Market movers: 10 projections on the global economy

Market movers: 10 projections on the global economy

When trying to predict what the coming year has in store in the context of an increasingly intertwined global economy,…
Face offs between the judiciary and the president look likely to continue in 2013

Face offs between the judiciary and the president look likely to continue in 2013

As the year comes to a close, the judiciary’s engrossing plotline culminates with quite a dramatic scene: stones hurled and…
Game changing sounds from the alternative scene
Art news

Game changing sounds from the alternative scene

There is something to be said for the solace and inspiration found within Egypt’s evolving musical landscape over the past…
Victories and betrayals

Victories and betrayals

The second year after the breakout of the 25 January uprising has been characterized by mixed developments and confused assessments. The great hope in mobilizing the…
Arab authors pick their fictional favorites

Arab authors pick their fictional favorites

The judges on the panel of the International Prize for Arabic Fiction have come out with their list of the…
Egypt’s economy will face tougher hurdles in 2013

Egypt’s economy will face tougher hurdles in 2013

Talk of economic recovery has all but gone silent in Egypt, replaced by doomsday predictions about the depths to which…
Brotherhood’s politics may mean short term gains and long term losses

Brotherhood’s politics may mean short term gains and long term losses

Experts on Islamist movements and democratization have long held that Islamist groups, if they are allowed to engage freely in…
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