
France pledges US$17 mn to Lebanon’s struggling schools
Middle East

France pledges US$17 mn to Lebanon’s struggling schools

MECHREF, Lebanon (AP) — France’s visiting foreign minister pledged Friday €15 million (US$17 million) in aid to Lebanon’s schools, which…
French foreign minister visits Lebanon amid economic crisis
Middle East

French foreign minister visits Lebanon amid economic crisis

BEIRUT (AP) — French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian met with Lebanon’s president Thursday at the start of his two-day…
UN: Arab economies to shrink by 5.7% amid virus fallout

UN: Arab economies to shrink by 5.7% amid virus fallout

BEIRUT (AP) — The pandemic will exact a heavy toll on Arab countries, causing an economic contraction of 5.7 percent…
Crisis hits Lebanon’s hospitals, among the best in Mideast
Middle East

Crisis hits Lebanon’s hospitals, among the best in Mideast

BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanon’s hospitals, long considered among the best in the Middle East, are cracking under the country’s financial…
Lebanon contracts NY-based company to do forensic audit
Middle East

Lebanon contracts NY-based company to do forensic audit

BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanon’s government agreed Tuesday to hire a New York-based company to conduct a forensic audit of the…
Minister: Lebanon is nearing critical stage in virus cases
Middle East

Minister: Lebanon is nearing critical stage in virus cases

BEIRUT (AP) — Lebanon’s health minister says the financially troubled Mediterranean country, which has so far managed to contain the…
Ethiopian maids ‘dumped’ in the streets in Lebanon as COVID hits
Middle East

Ethiopian maids ‘dumped’ in the streets in Lebanon as COVID hits

ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) – Ethiopian mother Alemtsehay Nasir went to Lebanon dreaming that her maid’s job would let her earn…
Major Beirut medical centre lays off hundreds as crisis bites
Middle East

Major Beirut medical centre lays off hundreds as crisis bites

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Zawqan Abdelkhalek, a nurse at the American University of Beirut’s (AUB) medical centre since 2012, was laid…
Lebanon looks to China as US, Arabs refuse to help in crisis
Middle East

Lebanon looks to China as US, Arabs refuse to help in crisis

BEIRUT (AP) — Facing a worsening economic crisis and with little chance of Western or oil-rich Arab countries providing assistance…
IMF calls on Lebanese to unite behind government reform plan
Middle East

IMF calls on Lebanese to unite behind government reform plan

BEIRUT (AP) — The International Monetary Fund on Monday urged Lebanese authorities to unite behind a government economic plan that…
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