The Director of the Al-Azhar International Center for e-Fatwa Osama al-Hadidy criticized the Kaaba’s appearance in the multiplayer video-game Fortnite, slamming it as insulting and inappropriate
In a telephone interview with the “90 Minutes” program on Al-Mehwar channel, Hadidy warned people to avoid the game as it contains a destructive image of the Kaaba holy site, especially inappropriate with the coming of the Hajj pilgrimage season.
He said that the center warns against games of this nature that serve only to trap and distract youth from more important aspects of life while encouraging violent behavior.
Al-Azhar issued a warning last year against the harm electronic games such as PUBG can cause to children following the death of a child who played the game for hours on end.
The center warned of the danger posed by games of this type and called upon scholars, preachers and teachers to spread public awareness on this issue.
Al-Azhar’s advice to parents included monitoring children around the clock, checking the apps they use, limiting the time they spend with their forms and encouraging other activities such as sports and studying.