
Cairo officials on trial for Duweiqa rockfall

The Misdemeanors Court in Gammaliya today starts the trial of the deputy governor of western Cairo, Major General Mahmoud Yassin Ibrahim, and seven other officials who may be held liable in connection with the Duweiqa rockfall which left 119 people killed and 55 others injured in September 2008.  

Attorney General Abdel Meguid Mahmoud referred the Cairo Governorate officials for trial on the charges of manslaughter and unintentional injury.

Investigations and the conclusions of the Geological Committee revealed that the rockfall was caused by an unplanned increase in population density on the topmost part of the plateau of Duweiqa and on its borders, in combination with the lack of a sanitary drainage network which led to the accumulation of water underneath the rocks causing their enlargement, and the proximity of the plateau to the Autostrad, which is used by heavy trucks.

Investigations found the seven officials responsible for not implementing prior recommendations of the Geological Committee. The engineering administration and the district head should have determined areas threatened by rockfalls, implemented the recommendations and informed the governor so that appropriate action could be taken. Meanwhile, Governor of Cairo Abdel Azim Wazir denied having any knowledge of the threat before the disaster.

Translated from the Arabic Edition.

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