
Parliament solicits public opinion on constituent assembly makeup

Parliament solicits public opinion on constituent assembly makeup

A joint parliamentary committee will meet Saturday to discuss proposals submitted by MPs, institutions and citizens regarding criteria for the…
Dozens protest to demand release of April 6 Youth Movement activist

Dozens protest to demand release of April 6 Youth Movement activist

Dozens of April 6 Youth Movement members and ultras football group members organized a protest Wednesday morning outside the Abdeen…
Wednesday’s papers: NGO debacle still making front pages

Wednesday’s papers: NGO debacle still making front pages

The ongoing case regarding unregistered, foreign-funded NGOs in Egypt and their employees is still making headlines in both state and…
Security forces arrest ‘dangerous’ escaped prisoner in Old Cairo

Security forces arrest ‘dangerous’ escaped prisoner in Old Cairo

Security forces on Tuesday evening arrested a person who the Interior Ministry called “one of the most dangerous criminal elements”…
Socialist MP announces presidential bid

Socialist MP announces presidential bid

Socialist Popular Alliance Party MP Abul Ezz al-Hariry announced on Tuesday he plans to run for president in the upcoming…
Appeals court defends decision to lift travel ban on foreign defendants

Appeals court defends decision to lift travel ban on foreign defendants

The Cairo Court of Appeals on Tuesday defended its decision to lift a travel ban on foreign defendants in the…
NGO draft law to be ready in a month, govt adviser says

NGO draft law to be ready in a month, govt adviser says

The government will finish writing a new draft law governing NGOs in a month, according to a legal adviser to…
Salafis likely to support Abu Ismail, Awa or Abouel Fotouh for president, leader says

Salafis likely to support Abu Ismail, Awa or Abouel Fotouh for president, leader says

The Salafi movement will likely support Islamists Hazem Abu Ismail, Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh or Mohamed Selim al-Awa for president…
Mubarak sons face tax evasion charges

Mubarak sons face tax evasion charges

Former President Hosni Mubarak’s sons, Alaa and Gamal, are being questioned over accusations of tax evasion, judicial sources have said.…
Railway workers end strike

Railway workers end strike

Workers from the Railway Authority ended their sit-in on Tuesday when Hani Hegab, the president of the authority, promised to…
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