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Children’s corner: Drop bad study habits

There's no magical way to guarantee high-grades at the end of academic year. Students should work on developing each aspect of their lives, including health, mental ability, motivation, and time management. In this light, Noha Agaty, professor of social psychology, points out the most common bad habits students should avoid while studying.

Studying without a plan:

Studying must be planned and based on a strict schedule. This is can be easily achieved if you adopt good time management habits early in life. Prioritize your assignments and postpone unnecessary tasks or activities until the most important work is finished first.

Not taking notes:

You receive so much information daily, so whether you are a student in school or college, try to write down the main ideas from your lessons. This will save you time studying when you return home, because you won’t be wading through excessive information. Not only do notes help you to study better, but also the act of writing things down help you to recall them quickly during exams. Avoid jotting everything down. It’s better to get the most out of your lesson through understanding, not dictation, or else you’ll end up wasting opportunities to engage with class discussion.

Studying late:

Some students tend to stay up late to study. But that’s very bad habit, which negatively affects your academic performance. You’ll probably lose concentration at class, become physically unfit, and need more naps and caffeinated drinks. The key is recognizing the perfect time to study. A decent night’s sleep will work best for students. Start fresh in the early hours of the day and spend the rest of your time working on your favorite activity or hanging out with friends to get ready for new school day.

Studying continuously:

Breaks are an indispensible part of effective study technique whether they are long or short. You should get rest by enjoying your favorite hobby, traveling during the weekends, or practicing sports. Studying for long hours can lead to psychological imbalance. Take short breaks every so often – but not for too long – to re-energize and restore motivation. If you spend long hours studying without stopping to rest, your retention rate may decline.

Unhealthy meals:

Good nutrition is a priority for preparing yourself for the new school year. Follow a healthy, balanced diet that keeps you alert and eases stress. Go for small, regular meals that comprise the five main food groups, including dairy, fruits and vegetables, grain, meat and protein and sweets. Avoid big meals that leave you overstuffed and slowed down mentally. Not all kinds of snacking are unhealthy; look for complex carbohydrates and protein-rich snacks such as a peanut butter sandwich to keep you energetic without gaining weight.

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