The Higher Council of the Administrative Prosecution Authority (APA) on Sunday has pensioned off one of its prosecutors for assaulting a police officer at a Heliopolis court late August.
The decision to terminate Noha al-Sayed came during a Higher Council session headed by APA President Essam al-Minshawy, an APA statement explained.
Minshawy had ordered an internal investigation late August into the woman. He assigned the Inspection Department of the APA to investigate the incident and report its outcomes to him directly.
The APA’s spokesperson Mohamed Samir said that Sayed being referred to pension was not a punitive decision on the background of the incident but came in accordance with Article 91 of the judicial authority’s provisions.
Samir explained during a phone-in with the “al-Taseaa” (Ninth) TV show that Article 91 stipulates that if a member is unable to practice work due to their medical situation, then they are to be referred to pension as is the case for Sayed.
The Egyptian Public Prosecutor on Sunday referred Sayed to criminal trial over assaulting a police officer at a Heliopolis court.
The incident occurred on August 30 when an officer had asked the woman to put on a facemask, reveal her identity and stop filming the scene with her phone.
“I work with the UN, you trash,” the woman said. After the officer confiscated her phone, she then ripped off his shoulder badge. A video of the incident taped by a witness went viral across social media.
A statement from the Public Prosecutor’s office said that her assault injured the officer and also deliberately destroyed a radio device he was carrying, resulting in financial damage as well.
Investigations from the prosecution concluded that the woman’s verbal and physical acts of assault to an officer performing his routine security duties at the court constitutes a criminal act punishable by law.
The prosecution also listened to testimonies from a lawyer and worker who were eyewitnesses to the scene, which collaborated the officer’s testimony.
Examination of the suspect’s phone revealed she had photographed several employees of the court captured on the day of the incident, which the prosecution explained constitutes sufficient enough evidence to bring the accused to criminal trial.