FashionLife & Style

Mastering makeup: Autumn colors

Autumn is usually the introduction to winter and the end to your colorful make-up regime. The beginning of the chilly season imposes new colors, new blends and a totally different look. Here are a few suggestions for the coming few months:

1. For your lips, switch to dark, warm and earthy colors like brick, mocha, café au-lait or bois de rose. If you want to go lighter opt for neutral beige or a nude color.
2. Lip liner is a must for these dark shades to guarantee a strong look. Reds are also an autumn color, especially brick red.
3. For the cheeks, play with dramatic shades like plum, dark peach and bois du rose.  Say goodbye to your summery pinks and peachy shades.
4. Bring out the eyes with electric blue, sapphire green, dark grey and dark purple; paint your eye lids with a light base color, then accentuate the look using a darker shade to achieve a sharper gaze.
5. Strongly defined eyeliner is acceptable for this season, but do not pair it with dark eye shadow.

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