
Biopics in the Arab world: History entangled with subjectivity
Art news

Biopics in the Arab world: History entangled with subjectivity

Two films about Egypt’s second president - “Nasser 56” (a 1996 Egyptian production) and “Gamal Abdel Nasser” (a 1999 Syrian…
Al-Azhar voices anger at Syrian security assault on Damascus mosque

Al-Azhar voices anger at Syrian security assault on Damascus mosque

Al-Azhar Grand Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayyeb has expressed anger about Saturday's assault on Al-Rifai mosque in Damascus by Syrian army and…
A Nordic Ramadan
Life & Style

A Nordic Ramadan

In Scandinavia - a region that includes Norway, Sweden and Denmark - Muslims are a minority and there are no…
The trials of Ramadan away from home
Life & Style

The trials of Ramadan away from home

Because the holy month of Ramadan is accompanied by a number of traditions and activities that Muslims have become accustomed…
Ramadan’s talk shows display their forgiving side

Ramadan’s talk shows display their forgiving side

Along with fasting during the day, the other main feature of Ramadan is the peak television and talk show season…
Ramadan can be a challenge for vegetarians

Ramadan can be a challenge for vegetarians

During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are expected to fast during daylight hours, all the while continuing with their…
Ramadan talk show questions Salafi dogmas

Ramadan talk show questions Salafi dogmas

Ahmed Abu Haiba, the host of a new talk show this Ramadan, has an ambitious agenda. He hopes that his…
‘Al-Shahroura’ drama fails to catch a shining star
Art news

‘Al-Shahroura’ drama fails to catch a shining star

“Al-Shahroura,” a biographical drama of glamorous and prolific Lebanese singer Sabah showing this month, focuses on the personal life and…
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