
Syria’s opposition groups strike unity deal against Assad

Syria’s opposition groups strike unity deal against Assad

Syria's fractious opposition finally put aside fierce arguments to rally behind a new leader within a new coalition that its…
Israel fires warning shots at Syria over Golan shelling

Israel fires warning shots at Syria over Golan shelling

Israeli forces fired into Syria on Sunday in what the military called a warning, after stray munitions from fighting between…
Former ICC prosecutor: NATO could arrest Assad in Syria

Former ICC prosecutor: NATO could arrest Assad in Syria

  Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the International Criminal Court's former prosecutor, said that world leaders had a "good case" for asking NATO…
Turkey says 8,000 Syrians flee in past 24 hours

Turkey says 8,000 Syrians flee in past 24 hours

About 8,000 refugees fleeing violence in Syria have crossed into Turkey in the last 24 hours, a Turkish foreign ministry…
Assad says will live and die in Syria

Assad says will live and die in Syria

DOHA — President Bashar al-Assad said he would "live and die" in Syria and warned that any Western invasion to…
Syrian rebels fire at, miss Assad’s palace

Syrian rebels fire at, miss Assad’s palace

Syrian rebels fired mortars at President Bashar al-Assad's palace in Damascus on Wednesday but missed, in an attack underlining the…
Blasts in Damascus, brother of parliament speaker killed

Blasts in Damascus, brother of parliament speaker killed

Deadly explosions struck a Damascus district housing members of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's Alawi sect live and gunmen killed the…
Opposition: Suicide bomber kills 50 Syrian security men

Opposition: Suicide bomber kills 50 Syrian security men

An Islamist suicide car bomber killed at least 50 Syrian security men in Hama province on Monday, an opposition group…
Russian FM: We supply Syria arms to honor Soviet-era contracts

Russian FM: We supply Syria arms to honor Soviet-era contracts

Moscow is supplying arms to Syria under Soviet-era commitments, and were meant for defense against external threats, not to support…
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