
Abouel Fotouh campaign denies support for extended military rule

Presidential hopeful Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh’s press office on Tuesday denied media reports that he said he does not mind if Egypt's ruling military council remains in power for another year or two.

In a statement, the press office said such reports were false and that Abouel Fotouh’s position on the transfer of power is clear.

Abouel Fotouh supports holding the presidential election immediately after the Shura Council elections, which are currently underway, then transferring power to a civilian president so that the military can return to its main role of protecting the country, the statement went on.

The statement said Abouel Fotouh has criticized the SCAF’s slow pace and befuddled management of the transitional period, which he said has negatively affected Egypt’s security and economy.

Continuing military rule past April will lead to more deterioration, the statement added.

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