China’s new Silk Road: boom or dust for Pakistan?

China’s new Silk Road: boom or dust for Pakistan?

A glossy highway and hundreds of lorries transporting Chinese workers by the thousands: the new Silk Road is under construction…
Paris attacks show Syria war cannot be contained
Middle East

Paris attacks show Syria war cannot be contained

The murderous attacks on French civilians enjoying a night out in Paris were proof, were any needed, that the war…
UK Muslims seek own path in countering jihadism

UK Muslims seek own path in countering jihadism

Feeling unfairly targeted by the government's anti-radicalization drive, Britain's Muslim community is rallying to find its own response to extremism…
First attacker identified from Paris carnage

First attacker identified from Paris carnage

French police have identified the first of seven gunmen who killed at least 129 people in a wave of carnage…
Refugee children die in Greece in boat, train accidents: officials

Refugee children die in Greece in boat, train accidents: officials

Two refugee children died in Greece in separate boat and train accidents as families continue to risk their lives to…
Security beefed up around Europe after Paris attacks

Security beefed up around Europe after Paris attacks

European capitals reinforced security checks and governments held emergency cabinet meetings on Saturday a day after a series of coordinated…
Kenya establishes anti-doping agency

Kenya establishes anti-doping agency

Kenya, under scrutiny amid allegations of widespread doping in world athletics, on Saturday announced the immediate establishment of an anti-doping…
Schools, museums, tourist sites closed in Paris after attacks
Life & Style

Schools, museums, tourist sites closed in Paris after attacks

Schools, markets, museums and major tourist sites in the Paris area were closed on Saturday and sporting fixtures were cancelled…
Paris attacks a ‘violation of all religions’: Saudi FM
Middle East

Paris attacks a ‘violation of all religions’: Saudi FM

The "heinous" Paris attacks are a violation of all religions and underline the need to intensify efforts against "terrorism", Saudi…
World witnessing mix of ‘medieval, modern fascism’: Kerry

World witnessing mix of ‘medieval, modern fascism’: Kerry

US Secretary of State John Kerry said Saturday the Paris attacks, and other recent acts of terror, showed the world…
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