Ban Ki-moon

Standing at Ground Zero

Standing at Ground Zero

A few weeks ago, traveling in Kazakhstan, I had the sobering experience of standing at Ground Zero. This was the…
Message on International Mother Earth Day 2010

Message on International Mother Earth Day 2010

Mother Earth–-our only home-–is under pressure. We are making progressively unreasonable demands on her, and she is showing the strain.…
Message for World Health Day 2010: Urban health matters

Message for World Health Day 2010: Urban health matters

For the first time in history, more people live in cities and towns than in rural areas. In a parallel…
Message for World Autism Awareness Day 2010

Message for World Autism Awareness Day 2010

Autism is a complex and inadequately understood disability with a wide range of manifestations. Children and adults with autism--and, indeed,…
Message on World Water Day

Message on World Water Day

Water is the source of life and the link that binds all living beings on this planet. It is connected…
Don’t wait for disaster

Don’t wait for disaster

No country can afford to ignore the lessons of the earthquakes in Chile and Haiti. We cannot stop such disasters…
Equal rights, equal opportunities: Progress for all

Equal rights, equal opportunities: Progress for all

Gender equality and women’s empowerment are fundamental to the global mission of the United Nations to achieve equal rights and…
Legacy of survival

Legacy of survival

The theme of this year’s commemoration at UN offices around the world is the legacy of survival.Countless men, women and…
Haiti is not alone

Haiti is not alone

The disaster in Haiti shows once again something that we, as human beings, have always known: that even amid the…
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