Deutsche Welle

US torture continues at Guantanamo Bay, warns UN expert

US torture continues at Guantanamo Bay, warns UN expert

The US has continued to torture detainees held at the controversial detention center in Cuba, said the UN’s expert on…
Camel hospital opens in Dubai
Middle East

Camel hospital opens in Dubai

While hospital care for race horses is highly sophisticated and available worldwide, the same is not the case for camels.…
EU proposes to streamline databases across bloc to reduce terror attacks

EU proposes to streamline databases across bloc to reduce terror attacks

The proposed service would allow border guards and police to simultaneously search multiple systems across the EU to verify identity…
UN official says North Koreans agree on importance of avoiding war

UN official says North Koreans agree on importance of avoiding war

A top UN official said he encouraged North Korea to be open to “talks about talks” during a visit to…
Russia temporarily shuts, evacuates Yemen embassy
Middle East

Russia temporarily shuts, evacuates Yemen embassy

Russia removed all of its diplomatic personnel from Yemen and has temporarily shut its embassy there, the country’s Foreign Ministry…
Turkey and Israel: Animosity ends when it comes to money

Turkey and Israel: Animosity ends when it comes to money

Recep Tayyip Erdogan likes to use clear terms: Jerusalem, he said, was a “red line for Muslims.” The Turkish president…
Iran’s president signals ‘good ties’ possible with Saudi Arabia
Middle East

Iran’s president signals ‘good ties’ possible with Saudi Arabia

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday said Tehran is willing to resume ties with Saudi Arabia, but only if the…
Amnesty International claims EU ‘complicit’ in Libya migrant abuses

Amnesty International claims EU ‘complicit’ in Libya migrant abuses

Rights group Amnesty International has accused EU governments of supporting migrant abuse in Libya. Echoing previous reports, it found widespread…
AU warns of returning ‘ISIS’ jihadists

AU warns of returning ‘ISIS’ jihadists

The African Union has said up to 6,000 Africans who fought for the so-called Islamic State jihadist group in Iraq…
War in Yemen: ‘The world isn’t paying enough attention’
Middle East

War in Yemen: ‘The world isn’t paying enough attention’

The UN has called the war in Yemen the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Karl-Otto Zentel, general secretary of humanitarian agency…
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