
Brotherhood breaks with labor groups over comments

The Muslim Brotherhood will stop coordinating with leftist labor groups, according to its labor affairs official, Saber Abul Fotouh, who said that any form of collaboration with leftists will now be unacceptable.

Abul Fotouh accused leftist labor groups of criticizing the Brotherhood despite past common endeavors. He added that the Brotherhood represents an active force among labor groups and that its members outnumber leftist workers.

Abul Fotouh said the group plans to establish its own independent labor union, which will be able to vie for seats in any official labor elections.

Khaled Ali, an activist and the director of the Center for Economic and Social Rights, attributed the divide to leftist groups' demand that the Brotherhood apologize for senior leaders' statements describing labor protests as against the revolution. The Brotherhood rejected the request. Ali said he is trying to bring the two sides back to the table to find a compromise.

Several of Egypt's parties represent socialist, pro-labor values including the Arab Democratic Nasserist Party, Tagammu Party and the previously-banned Communist Party.

The Egyptian Trade Unions Federation (ETUF) has yet to set a date for its elections. ETUF Chairman Hussein Megawer has been detained pending investigations into charges he was involved in violence against protesters during the revolution.

Translated from the Arabic Edition

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