Health & Fitness

Asterias’s stem cell therapy shows promise in study

Asterias’s stem cell therapy shows promise in study

Asterias Biotherapeutics Inc said initial data from a small study showed that its lead stem cell therapy could improve mobility…
Health Ministry prepares 4 national diabetes projects

Health Ministry prepares 4 national diabetes projects

The Health Ministry announced in a press conference on Monday that four new diabetes projects will be rolled out across…
High blood pressure in pregnancy tied to family risk

High blood pressure in pregnancy tied to family risk

For women with pregnancy-related high blood pressure, the higher risk of hypertension that follows them through life may be due…
Sleep-deprived kids are more tempted by food

Sleep-deprived kids are more tempted by food

Children who don’t get enough sleep might be more tempted by food, a new study suggests. Five-year-olds who slept less than…
Caffeine may chip a couple strokes off golf score

Caffeine may chip a couple strokes off golf score

A moderate dose of caffeine may help combat fatigue and shave about two strokes off the scores of skilled collegiate…
Component of colorful potatoes could be a cancer deterrent

Component of colorful potatoes could be a cancer deterrent

Baked purple potatoes contain compounds that might destroy colon cancer stem cells and limit the spread of cancer, according to…
Why successful dieting is so complex

Why successful dieting is so complex

American researchers have shed light on the divide between the desire to go on a diet to lose weight and…
Researchers explain why trouble keeping track of days

Researchers explain why trouble keeping track of days

A team of researchers from the School of Psychology at the University of Lincoln in the UK has succeeded in…
Blood test could predict breast cancer’s return: study

Blood test could predict breast cancer’s return: study

An experimental blood test may be able to predict whether a woman with breast cancer will suffer a relapse months…
Europe reacts to US ban on trans fats

Europe reacts to US ban on trans fats

The European society of cardiology (ESC) issued a welcoming statement in response to the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA)…
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