
European activists to launch Freedom Flotilla Two

The European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza (ECESG) has announced the preparation of “Freedom Flotilla Two”, a new flotilla that will travel to Gaza during the upcoming weeks, challenging Israelis recent military actions. Campaign sources say that funds for three ships in the fleet have already been secured.

The ECESG issued a press release, in which Arafat Madi, head of the campaign, stated that “In the aftermath of the massacre commited by the Zionist occupation forces in the depths of international waters, Arabic, Islamic and European voices have called for the preparation of a fleet even larger than the one intercepted before.”

Madi didn’t exclude the possibility of semi-official participatian, especially from Turkey, whose Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdugan, has pledged to continue providing aid to Gaza at any the price.

The original Freedom Flotilla carried around 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid and hundreds of activists. An attack on the flotilla by Israeli forces last Monday resulted in the killing of up to 19 activists and the injury 60 others. All six ships in the fleet were siezed by Israel.

Translated from the Arabic Edition.

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