
Final Issue: 50 on 50

This piece was written for Egypt Independent's final weekly print edition, which was banned from going to press. We offer you our 50th and final edition here.

Newspapers aren’t closed in one swift blow. Here at Egypt Independent, we’ve learned that the process is long and drawn out. Any institution, a characterization that we believe Egypt Independent has grown into, fights back and resists attempts to shut it down. We’ve reported on this in other manifestations, not least the ongoing fight to end the institutions that have held back Egyptians from realizing their own demands. This process, and others, have their own lessons. Much of this final issue, before we attempt to revive the paper in another form, is self-referential, but we have reserved these two pages for more blatant reflection.
Sustainability and business development are key to the media battle in Egypt today
Being sacked is one’s inevitable chance to break the routine
Make space for laughter
Code is the law
Pressure makes diamonds
Anything is possible with the right amount of coffee
Revolution is not just protests
Independent media is not really independent
أدينى جرنال محترم و أرمينى البحر
(All I really need is a good newspaper)
You have to kill the baby to save the mother. There are no other options
قلي الباذنجان يتطلب مجهودا و ذراع أيمن قوى
(Frying eggplant needs effort, and a strong right arm.)
The universe is run by prankster imps
Never let a media dinosaur get in the way of a good time
Nothing lasts forever, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t matter
When someone fires you or closes your business, rip up the paper and act like it didn’t happen
Always choose your own title
Always look on the bright side of life
اليأس خيانة
(Despair is betrayal)
نعمل اللى علينا و الباقى على لينا
(We do our best, Lina does the rest)
When all else fails, throw a party
يلا يالا من هنا
(Get outta here, boy)
قال يا قاعدين يكفيكوا شر الجايين
(Newcomers don’t have much to offer)
Take the gun, leave the cannoli
Readers will take risks to support you
I’m a pessimist because of intelligence but an optimist because of will
الدنيا زى الخيارة، يوم فى إيدك و يوم فـ…
(Life is like a cucumber, one day it’s in your hand, the next it’s in …)
We will survive this crisis because of our ability to laugh at any time without restrictions
Justify your text…
… but it’s ok to drift to the margins …
… and if you ever become marginalized, get back on track and stick to the margins
When all else fails, rationalize …
… but, there is always some reason in madness
You can finally dream of opening your butcher shop
No email thread is ever long enough.
It was all about the added value
المنحوس منحوس و لو علقوا فى ذيله فانوس
(He who is jinxed is jinxed)
You’ve gotta smile
اللي ياكل لوحده يزور
(He who eats alone … chokes.)
When one door closes, another opens and you should go close it, because … why not?
Don’t trust the mother organization with anything (especially subscriptions)
Evade the punches as long as you can and then roll with them
If someone is stealing your sandwich, by God, get a bite of it
You win when you Photoshop the president
People will rally behind a cause
Death in the tarot deck signifies a new beginning
It’s the people, not the place
A team is greater than the sum of its parts
Now, it is later than it’s ever been
Ful Mahrous serves sunny-side-up eggs and chipsy sandwiches
Take pride in your newspaper’s closure

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