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Israel spreads false allegations to downplay severity of its military setbacks: Source

A high-ranking Egyptian source said Israeli is attempting to circulate false allegations about the field conditions of its forces in Rafah in order to hide its military failures and divert attention away from domestic crises.

The “Cairo News Channel” quoted another high-level Egyptian source on Wednesday as saying that there is no truth to the claims made by Israeli media about the existence of tunnels on the Egyptian border with the Gaza Strip, and that these lies reflect the Israeli government’s desperation.

The source confirmed that there are no negotiations with the Israeli side regarding these claims.

“Israel is utilizing these false claims to justify continuing the Rafah operation and prolonging the war for political purposes,” the source said.

The Israeli news website “nziv” claimed that there was a connection between the Gaza tunnels and the Egyptian army.

The Hebrew website alleged that at the beginning of the war on Gaza, a huge tunnel opening was discovered in northern Gaza through which vehicles could pass.

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