
Rafah crossing open 3 days, warnings of worsening humanitarian crisis Gaza

Egyptian authorities allowed on Tuesday the partially reopening of the Rafah border crossing with the Gaza Strip, while a Palestinian popular committee warned from the worsening humanitarian crisis of Gaza residents.
The Interior Ministry of the deposed government of the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas said that the Egyptian authorities allowed the opening of the Rafah crossing in both directions, after it has been closed since 12 December.
The crossing is scheduled to be open for three consecutive days, six hours each day. Crossing is allowed to humanitarian cases, students, medical patients and those holding residencies.
The ministry said that 5,000 Gaza citizens registered to cross to the Egyptian side in only three days.
Palestinian MP Gamal al-Khodiery, head of the Popular Committee Against the Siege on Gaza also warned from the worsening of the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip due to the ongoing Israeli siege.
He said in a press statement that "Israel prevents the entry of construction materials for the private sector in Gaza for the 66th day on a row, which means freezing all construction projects."
"Those materials are the lifeblood of economic and construction projects that provide employment for thousands of workers, craftsmen, engineers and business sectors related to construction projects directly and indirectly," he continued.
He called on the international community to "pressure Israel to end its siege of Gaza, and not to stand silent before the serious and worsening humanitarian situation, especially after the Israeli rejection of the request of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon to let in any construction materials into Gaza."
Edited translation from Anadolu Agency

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