
Young MBs call for group conference

Younger cadres of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) opposition movement have expressed support for a proposal by group member Haitham Abu Khalil to hold a conference aimed at resolving the group’s internal problems, with a particular focus on the need for coordination between the MB’s leadership and its rank and file.

"The conference must take into account the opinions of all the different orientations within the group," said young member Abdel Rahman Ayash. "We called for an electronic conference via Internet to this end, but this was postponed to give the MB leadership a chance to make needed reforms."

Ahmed Abu Zikry, another young member, supports the idea of a holding a conference aimed at hashing out contentious issues. "It’s a good idea that might serve to inject the MB with new blood," he said.

"The idea is acceptable in principle," opined Mohamed Heshmat, member of the group’s consultative Shura Council. "If the group’s leadership rejects it, though, it should propose an alternative."

Mohamed el-Katatni, member of the MB’s influential Guidance Bureau, however, rejected the idea outright, reiterating: "We have no internal problems to discuss in the first place."

Translated from the Arabic Edition.

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