
Brotherhood students’ march disrupts traffic on Khalifa al-Ma’moun Street

Dozens of Brotherhood students at Ain Shams University on Tuesday marched from the main campus to the faculties of commerce and pharmacy to protest the return of the university guard and the referral of their colleagues to disciplinary councils.
The march completely paralyzed traffic on Khalifa al-Ma’moun Street.
Ain Shams University dormitories had expelled 19 students for demonstrating in violation of the university president’s decision.
The administration is viewing pictures and surveillance camera recordings of the students who stormed the gates of the university last Sunday in order to identify them and refer them to disciplinary councils.
Meanwhile, Brotherhood students of Cairo University’s Faculty of Commerce on Tuesday formed a human chain to demand the release of their imprisoned colleagues. They chanted slogans against what they called “military rule.”
Also, the Al-Azhar University administrative security on Tuesday found students digging a tunnel that they intended to use for escape in case of clashes. The students fled the scene when they saw the security guards coming.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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