With Hillary Clinton in the audience, singer Adele told her fans at a Miami concert Tuesday night not to vote for Donald Trump.
"Don't vote for him," the Grammy Award winner said on stage, according to a Clinton aide. "I can't vote but I am 100% for Hillary Clinton, I love her, she's amazing."
The British singer acknowledged that America's next leader will have global influence.
"I am English, but what happens in America affects me, too," Adele told the crowd.
The singer has made similar statements praising Clinton and criticizing the Republican nominee before on other stops of her tour, though never before with the
Democratic presidential nominee in attendance.
Clinton did not meet Adele at Tuesday's concert, according to an aide, who said it was unclear whether Adele was even sure that Clinton was in the audience.
The aide said Clinton made the decision to go to the concert late Tuesday and sat in a box with close aides and advisers who were traveling with her.
The aide said Clinton and her staff "went wild" when the singer told the audience not to vote for Trump.
Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway criticized those who praised Clinton attending Adele's concert but slam Trump for attending his hotel openings during the campaign, one of which happened in Washington on Wednesday.
"Respectfully, Hillary Clinton has time to go to an Adele concert and everybody else thinks that's really cool," Conway said Wednesday on the NBC's "Today." "Donald
Trump stops off to unveil an incredible, stunning piece of architecture and new hotel, first-class hotel and everybody's hair is on fire."