
FJP: Constitution dispute should not be pretext to prolong transition

The Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party said on Monday that it seeks consensus over the formation of Constituent Assembly, which is tasked with drafting the country's new constitution.

FJP member Mohamed Emad Eddin said said his party has no problem with selecting the panel members from outside parliament, adding that the party respects the Administrative Court ruling which halted the panel's activities.

The final say on the assembly's formation will be up to a joint meeting of the two houses of the Egyptian Parliament, the People's Assembly and the Shura Council, so that the ruling military council would not find a pretext to prolong the transitional period, members at the party's parliamentary bloc said following a meeting at the party's headquarters.

"The SCAF has to hand over power by 30 June, hence our eagerness to reach an accord immediately," Emad Eddin said.

Emad Eddin criticized al-Azhar's call on citizens to form the Constituent Assembly, and described the invitation as an "unacceptable intervention".

He also said that some panel members believe that People's Assembly speaker Saad al-Katatny should not chair the Constituent Assembly to spare him an overload of responsibilities.

Meanwhile, sources informed of the meeting told Al-Masry Al-Youm that some members decried not having the chance to take part in parliament's discussions.

FJP member Saber Abdel Sadeq said all members agree on participating in the massive protest slated for 20 April to demand barring former regime figures from running for president, but added that they do not intend to stage a sit-in following the protest.

Translated From Al-Masry Al-Youm

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