
Global praise of Egypt’s successful experiment in eradicating HCV: IDSC

A report issued by the World Economic Forum (WEF) hailed Egypt’s successful experiment in eradicating Hepatitis C Virus (HCV).

Egypt, once the country with the highest burden of hepatitis C in the world, now stands on the brink of eliminating the disease altogether, added the report, which was analyzed by the Cabinet’s Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC).

In 2014, Egypt embarked on an aggressive screening and treatment program that evolved into a national strategy to eliminate HCV, according to the report.

Egypt has made unprecedented progress against HCV, having screened and treated 60 million and 4 million people respectively, added the report.

The WEF, meanwhile, said that Egypt managed to obtain a fund worth dlrs 530 million from the World Bank (WB) in order to give priority to confront HCV.

The Egyptian government has contributed with dlrs 442.5 million to eradicate HCV, added the report.


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