
Hamdeen Sabbahi calls for respecting referendum result

Potential presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabbahi called for respecting the results of the referendum that approved a package of constitutional amendments in March, and the constitutional declaration which followed, by conducting elections before writing a new constitution.

At a conference organized by the Tagammu Party in Fayoum on Friday, Sabbahi said ignoring the result of the referendum would be undemocratic. But there is a need to approve a set of constitutional principles to outline the relationship between religion and the state and to safeguard freedoms, he said.
Parliamentary elections should be followed by the formulation of a new constitution, then presidential elections, said Sabbahi.
He also said he supports the creation of a mixed parliamentary-presidential system to avoid the creation of a “despotic president” under a presidential system or a president who resembles a “public relations employee” under the parliamentary system.
Sabbahi said there should be a popular initiative to encourage the police to return in full capacity to the streets. He also called for the establishment of additional judicial circuits so corrupt officials can be tried more speedily.
He said there is a need for a national development plan and for graduating students to match the needs of the job market.
Finally, Sabbahi said if elected he plans to stay in power for two terms to have time to implement his plans for development.
Translated from the Arabic Edition

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