
Minya changes name of Suzanne Mubarak Square

The Minya governorate executive board decided on Wednesday to change the name of a central square until now named after Egypt's former first lady, Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak.

The square's proposed new name is 'Martyrs of the 25 January Revolution."

Suzanne Mubarak's family originates from the same province.

The move, made with the approval of governor Ahmed Dyaa Eddin, came as a response to popular demands to commemorate the martyrs of the 18-day uprising that led to the resignation of former President Hosni Mubarak, following nearly 30 years in office.

The pivotal square links the city of Minya's four sides. It is surrounded by two major hospitals as well as Minya's blood bank.

Dyaa Eddin also decided to establish a memorial statue for the same purpose on the city's Palace Square, where the office of the previously-ruling National Democratic Party is located.

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