
Lebanese Christian cleric seen to criticize Hezbollah, allies over crisis
Middle East

Lebanese Christian cleric seen to criticize Hezbollah, allies over crisis

BEIRUT (Reuters) — Lebanon’s top Christian cleric stepped up criticism of the Iran-backed Shia group Hezbollah and its allies without…
Lebanese PM sues American University of Beirut over exit package
Middle East

Lebanese PM sues American University of Beirut over exit package

BEIRUT (Reuters) — Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab is suing the American University of Beirut (AUB), where he worked for…
Lebanese man who financed Hezbollah in US returns home
Middle East

Lebanese man who financed Hezbollah in US returns home

BEIRUT (AP) — A Lebanese businessman serving a five-year sentence in the United States for providing millions of dollars to…
Hottest commodity in Lebanon’s economic chaos: The US dollar
Middle East

Hottest commodity in Lebanon’s economic chaos: The US dollar

BEIRUT (AP) — The lines snaked around the block. Then they swelled to fill the whole street, before they turned…
Lebanon’s Hezbollah talks to government about Iran fuel idea
Middle East

Lebanon’s Hezbollah talks to government about Iran fuel idea

BEIRUT (Reuters) – The powerful Hezbollah group said on Tuesday it is in talks with the Lebanese government about the…
Debating racism in the Arab world
Middle East

Debating racism in the Arab world

The Black Lives Matter protests have triggered discussions on racism toward Blacks in the Arab and Muslim world. Activists are…
Just one concert held at Baalbek’s ancient ruins this year as message of hope

Just one concert held at Baalbek’s ancient ruins this year as message of hope

BAALBEK, Lebanon (Reuters) — The usually grand Baalbek Music Festival, set among 3,000-year-old Roman ruins in Lebanon, was reduced to…
Lebanon’s top Christian clerics blast politicians as hunger, hardship bite
Middle East

Lebanon’s top Christian clerics blast politicians as hunger, hardship bite

BEIRUT (Reuters) — Lebanon’s Christian authorities slammed politicians on Sunday for failing to remedy an economic meltdown that has left…
Dozens mourn man who killed himself in busy Beirut district
Middle East

Dozens mourn man who killed himself in busy Beirut district

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Dozens of people lay flowers on a main Beirut street where a man killed himself on Friday,…
Families of Syria detainees hope for news amid US sanctions
Middle East

Families of Syria detainees hope for news amid US sanctions

BEIRUT (AP) — Alaa Arnous and his family found the photo of his father Mohammed online last week, the first…
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