translated literature

Rabee Jaber’s ‘Druze of Belgrade’ wins 2012 Arabic Booker

Rabee Jaber’s ‘Druze of Belgrade’ wins 2012 Arabic Booker

ABU DHABI — The 2012 International Prize for Arabic Fiction, popularly called the “Arabic Booker,” was awarded to prolific Lebanese…
‘A Muslim Suicide’: Literature in the tradition of Islamic art

‘A Muslim Suicide’: Literature in the tradition of Islamic art

The title of Bensalem Himmich's 2008 novel, "Haza al-Andalusi!" ("This Andalusian!"), is as subdued in Arabic as it is attention-grabbing…
In other words: You translate mine, I’ll translate yours

In other words: You translate mine, I’ll translate yours

At first glance, Gretchen McCullough and Mohamed Metwalli seem perfectly cast for their roles: she, the hard-working prose writer in…
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