Upper Egypt

Cold Weather forecast for Thursday, Cairo: 18C

Cold Weather forecast for Thursday, Cairo: 18C

  Egyptian meteorologists expect cold weather north of Cairo and north of Upper Egypt on Thursday. Moderate weather is expected…
Egypt’s temperatures continue declining till Thursday

Egypt’s temperatures continue declining till Thursday

  Chairman of the Egyptian Meteorological Authority (EMA) Ahmed Abdel Aal said on Tuesday that Egypt’s temperatures will continue declining…
Cold weather, rain forecast for Thursday, Cairo: 17C

Cold weather, rain forecast for Thursday, Cairo: 17C

  Meteorologists expect temperatures will decrease across Egypt on Thursday, wit cold weather dominating the northern parts the country until…
Low temperatures from Thursday to Saturday, Cairo:16C

Low temperatures from Thursday to Saturday, Cairo:16C

  Chairman of the Egyptian Meteorological Authority Ahmed Abdel Aal announced on Monday that Egypt is expected to witness very…
Child marriage in Egypt reaches 117,000 children: CAPMAS

Child marriage in Egypt reaches 117,000 children: CAPMAS

An official CAPMAS report announced that 117,000 children under the age of 18 in Egypt are or have been married,…
Sixteen giant sewage projects underway in Upper Egypt: minister

Sixteen giant sewage projects underway in Upper Egypt: minister

Sixteen giant sewage projects are currently being implemented under the local development program in Upper Egypt, including treatment plants, centrifugal…
Mild weather expected for Monday, Cairo 26C

Mild weather expected for Monday, Cairo 26C

  Meteorologists predict mild weather on Monday across the country, with hot weather anticipated in southern Upper Egypt during daylight…
Four people die in a car crash in Qena

Four people die in a car crash in Qena

  Four people were killed on Saturday when a pickup truck was overturned at the Qeft-al-Quseir Road in Qena governorate,…
Mild weather expected for Sunday, Cairo 28C

Mild weather expected for Sunday, Cairo 28C

  Meteorologists anticipate mild weather on Sunday across the country, with hot weather expected in southern Upper Egypt during the…
Police kill 11 terrorists in shootout in Upper Egypt desert area: Interior Min.

Police kill 11 terrorists in shootout in Upper Egypt desert area: Interior Min.

Egypt’s Interior Ministry on Wednesday said that 11 terrorists were killed in a shootout with security forces in a mountainous…
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