The Tamarod campaign and the 30 June Front have both said that they have strong misgivings concerning the roadmap announced by the Army, stressing that they want the constitution to be rewritten entirely. They have announced their dissatisfaction with the current Constitutional Declaration, and have called on the Egyptian people to participate in rallies in Tahrir Square and at the Ettehadiya Presidential Palace on Friday to make those demands.
On Thursday, at a conference organized by the Tamarod movement and the 30 June Front, and held at the Journalists Syndicate, Khaled Youssef, a movie director, said that the Egyptian people will gather in the squares and that the current conflict between political powers is “a cultural conflict” which should be left to intellectuals and artists to resolve.
He said that many artists will participate in Friday’s protests, including Iman al-Bahr Darwish, the Eskenderella band, Sheikh Ahmed Al Tuni, singer Ahmed Saad, and poet Gamal Bakhit.
Tamarod spokesperson Hassan Shahin said that armed terrorist groups are currently in confrontation with the people, the state, and the Egyptian army. "We demand that the security authorities firmly deal with them.”
“We have sent several messages to the youth of the Muslim Brotherhood, whose [lives] are being sacrificed for the [protection] of their leaders, and we continue to ask them to step back,” he added.
“Tamarod’s goal is to get rid of corrupt leaders and allow [Morsy supporters] to return to being a part of a unified Egyptian people,” Shahin said. “We call on the Egyptian army to arrest those who are a threat to national security and to the Egyptian state."
In spite of not being content with the Constitutional Declaration, he explained, the current battle is drafting a constitution that represents all Egyptians. The Muslim Brotherhood is the entity that would benefit from the failure of the transitional period, he said.
On the other hand, the National Association for Change (NAC) has also called on Egyptians to participate in the mass demonstration to defend the revolution and insist that all of its goals be accomplished, as well as to celebrate Egypt's victory over Israel at 10 Ramadan during the October 1973 war.
NAC spokesperson Ahmed Taha al-Noqr said in a statement on Thursday that the people will continue to write the history of the revolution on Friday, telling the world that Egyptians will not allow their revolution to be hijacked.
He added that the Egyptian people will stand by the army, which faces plots led by international organizations aiming to divide up the country and turn it into a hotbed for international terrorist groups that use religion as a cover.
Edited translation from MENA