
Air Force jets perform above Cairo

Egyptians heard the roaring of military jets Saturday morning, as the Air Force performed a show in the areas above Cairo in celebration of the Air Force day on 14 October.
The jets were scheduled to fly over the Corniche, presidential Ettihadiya Palace and Tahrir Square. The Air Force planes have been performing shows across governorates since Tuesday in celebration of 6 October victory.
The jets are just a portion of the military funding to Egypt coming in the form of aid from the United States. The Egyptian government has, in turn, used this aid to buy American-made jets and tanks.
The jets have sparked controversy in the United States, as many political analysts argue the buying of jets are not in Egypt’s national interest as they do not contribute to counter-terrorist campaigns in Sinai and are just “big toys” for the army, the National Public Radio reported back in August.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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