
Report: 51 violations against journalists in May

The Journalists Against Torture Observatory has issued its monthly report on violations against journalists and media professionals, listing 51 violations: 11 cases during the first week of May, 12 cases in the second week, 14 cases in third week and 14 in the fourth week.
According to the report, 28 cases were related to preventing media coverage in different places. Six cases were related to verbal assault and threats, whereas four involved beatings and physical injury. In three reported cases, the victims were arrested and faced accusations, while three others have been detained for investigations. Three other journalists were given jail sentences, while two have been released on bail. In addition, there was one reported case of kidnapping.
The Interior Ministry, according to the report, was the main institution responsible for attacks against journalists, with 32 reported incidents involving journalists and eight involving civilians. Other government authorities and officials have been involved in seven cases of attacks, and judicial authorities are mentioned in four incidents, related to jail sentences and fines.
Violations took place in 12 provinces. Most of them, 25, occurred in Cairo, while eight registered incidents took place in Giza. Six violations took place in the Red Sea governorates, two in Damietta, Daqahliya and Alexandria and one in Assiut, Kafr al-Sheikh, Suez, Beheira, Gharbiya and Minya. 
The observatory stressed that the report only includes those violations, which have been documented by the research team.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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