
Archaeologists searching for ‘chamber of secrets’ in Khufu Pyramid: AFP

Archaeologists searching for ‘chamber of secrets’ in Khufu Pyramid: AFP

Archaeologists claim they could be “very close” to locating a secret cavity located within the Great Pyramid of Giza, AFP…
5 killed in illegal ancient artifact excavation in Sohag

5 killed in illegal ancient artifact excavation in Sohag

Five people were killed, in two separate incidents, while illegally digging for antiquities beneath houses in Upper Egypt’s Sohag governorate,…
New pharaonic tomb unearthed in Sharqia

New pharaonic tomb unearthed in Sharqia

The Egyptian Archaeological Mission of East Delta unearthed a pharaonic tomb in the city of al-Hosayneya in the al-Sharqia governorate.…
Additional golf carts provided to ease commutes on Moez street

Additional golf carts provided to ease commutes on Moez street

Five extra golf carts were provided on Moez street, by the Historic Cairo Rehabilitation Project, to facilitate transportation of their…
In photos: Five Qurans from Ottoman era seized at Cairo International Airport

In photos: Five Qurans from Ottoman era seized at Cairo International Airport

An attempt to smuggle a collection of five Ottoman era Qurans from Ethiopia failed Saturday at Cairo International Airport. Ahmed al-Rawi,…
AUC hands over 5,000 artifacts from 1964 Fustat excavation

AUC hands over 5,000 artifacts from 1964 Fustat excavation

The American University in Cairo (AUC) handed over 5,000 historical artifacts to Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities, a collection which it…
Embalming materials for Middle Kingdom Vizier Ipi discovered in Luxor’s West Bank

Embalming materials for Middle Kingdom Vizier Ipi discovered in Luxor’s West Bank

An international mission under the auspices of the University of Alcalá, Spain has uncovered over 50 clay jars filled with…
Funerary bed of King Tut packed to be transferred to Grand Egyptian Museum

Funerary bed of King Tut packed to be transferred to Grand Egyptian Museum

A team from the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM) started packing this week Pharaoh King Tutankhamun’s treasured collection at the Egyptian…
Egyptian tour guide tells hidden stories behind historical destinations

Egyptian tour guide tells hidden stories behind historical destinations

Although Egyptians garner a wealth of knowledge about their country’s history from school, not all of them know the hidden…
Burial chamber of recently discovered 13th Dynasty pyramid in Dahshur unearthed

Burial chamber of recently discovered 13th Dynasty pyramid in Dahshur unearthed

The Ministry of Antiquities archaeological mission uncovered the burial chamber of a 13th Dynasty pyramid unearthed last month at Dahshur…
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