
Exclusive: Lebanon waiting to hear if creditors will cooperate or sue: minister
Middle East

Exclusive: Lebanon waiting to hear if creditors will cooperate or sue: minister

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Lebanon is waiting for bondholders to decide whether they will cooperate in a debt restructuring or pursue…
Lebanon hopes debt talks could be wrapped up within nine months: minister
Middle East

Lebanon hopes debt talks could be wrapped up within nine months: minister

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Negotiations to restructure Lebanon’s foreign currency debt should not last more than nine months if well-intentioned, the…
Lebanon in ‘final hours before’ declaring it cannot pay its debts: senior MP
Middle East

Lebanon in ‘final hours before’ declaring it cannot pay its debts: senior MP

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Lebanon is in “the final hours before” formally announcing it cannot pay its debts, senior MP Alain…
‘Now we have corona’: Cash-strapped Lebanon navigates new crisis
Middle East

‘Now we have corona’: Cash-strapped Lebanon navigates new crisis

BEIRUT (Reuters) – Lebanon’s crippling financial crisis could pose a grave threat to managing a coronavirus outbreak that has so…
Lebanese singer Nancy Ajram to make acting debut in TV series this Ramadan

Lebanese singer Nancy Ajram to make acting debut in TV series this Ramadan

Lebanese singer Nancy Ajram is set to appear in the comedy series “Nesaa men Dahab” (Women from Gold), which stars…
IMF deal seen as only way out for Lebanon
Middle East

IMF deal seen as only way out for Lebanon

BEIRUT (Reuters) — The Lebanese government must swallow its misgivings and reach a rescue deal with the International Monetary Fund…
Saudi Arabia halts travel to Islam’s holiest site over virus
Middle East

Saudi Arabia halts travel to Islam’s holiest site over virus

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Saudi Arabia on Thursday halted travel to the holiest sites in Islam over fears…
Iranian clerics keep shrines open, even as virus spreads
Middle East

Iranian clerics keep shrines open, even as virus spreads

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Shia shrines that attract tens of millions of visitors annually have come under focus…
Iran reports 2 more deaths, 13 new cases of new coronavirus
Middle East

Iran reports 2 more deaths, 13 new cases of new coronavirus

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iranian health authorities on Friday reported two more deaths from the new virus that emerged in…
IMF experts meet Lebanese PM at start of visit
Middle East

IMF experts meet Lebanese PM at start of visit

BEIRUT (Reuters) – A team of IMF experts met Prime Minister Hassan Diab on Thursday at the start of a…
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