
Rolexes and cars; Lebanese spend big to prise savings from the bank
Middle East

Rolexes and cars; Lebanese spend big to prise savings from the bank

BEIRUT (Reuters) – When she heard Lebanese banks would limit cash withdrawals, Rita, a doctor, rushed out to buy a…
Facing humiliating controls, Lebanese focus fury on banks
Middle East

Facing humiliating controls, Lebanese focus fury on banks

BEIRUT (AP) — Before picking up cash from a downtown bank in Lebanon’s capital, Mey Al Sayegh mentally braces herself…
Facing economic crisis, Lebanon’s government meets for first time
Middle East

Facing economic crisis, Lebanon’s government meets for first time

BEIRUT (Reuters) — Lebanon ushered in a new government that will need to walk a political tightrope, as President Michel…
New government in crisis-hit Lebanon, but protests continue
Middle East

New government in crisis-hit Lebanon, but protests continue

BEIRUT (AP) — A new Cabinet was announced in crisis-hit Lebanon late Tuesday, breaking a months-long impasse amid mass protests…
Violence escalates in Beirut as protesters clash with police
Middle East

Violence escalates in Beirut as protesters clash with police

BEIRUT (AP) — Security forces fired tear gas, water cannons and rubber bullets in clashes Sunday with hundreds of anti-government…
Almost 400 wounded in Lebanon clashes Saturday: rescuers
Middle East

Almost 400 wounded in Lebanon clashes Saturday: rescuers

Almost 400 people were wounded Saturday during running battles between Lebanese anti-government protesters and security forces in the capital Beirut,…
Hezbollah warns of ‘chaos’ if Lebanon government delayed
Middle East

Hezbollah warns of ‘chaos’ if Lebanon government delayed

BEIRUT (AP) — A senior Hezbollah official warned Friday that Lebanon could fall into chaos and “complete collapse” unless a…
Frustrated Lebanese depositors turn rage on crisis-hit banks
Middle East

Frustrated Lebanese depositors turn rage on crisis-hit banks

BEIRUT (Reuters) — As cash runs short at Lebanon’s banks, so has the patience of depositors. Hit by restrictions on…
Mount Lebanon’s Prosecutor accuses Nancy Ajram’s husband of intentionally killing alleged robber
Life & Style

Mount Lebanon’s Prosecutor accuses Nancy Ajram’s husband of intentionally killing alleged robber

Mount Lebanon Prosecutor Ghada Aoun accused on Wednesday the Lebanese artist Nancy Ajram’s husband Fady al-Hashem of intentionally killing Mohamed…
Lebanese politicians watching as economy collapses: U.N. official
Middle East

Lebanese politicians watching as economy collapses: U.N. official

BEIRUT (Reuters) — Lebanese politicians are watching the economy collapse, the senior U.N. official in Lebanon said on Wednesday, rebuking…
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